Environmental, regulatory, planning, engineeringor science background
Varied roleworking with landowners, and teams across Council
Enjoy the outdoors lifestyle and stunning environmentof Otago
Location: Dunedin, Balclutha, Oamaru or Alexandra
If you’re lookingfor job interest and challenge and would enjoy the outdoors lifestyle that goeshand-in- hand with the Otagoenvironment of rugged coastlines, spectacular mountains and alpine lakes, this positioncould be right for you.
In this highly varied EnvironmentalOfficer role, you’ll provide guidance on a range of bylaw and resource consentcompliance matters, working closely with landowners and supporting teams withinOtago Regional Council. Ultimatelythis role is about protecting critical flood protection infrastructure assetsand the environment. Otago covers a vastarea and is the third largest region in New Zealand. We are committed to protecting and enhancing the environment andbuilding resilient communities, and we need the right people in the right rolesto help us get there. We offerflexibility, work life balance and career challenge.
The Challenge:
Give advice and educate landowners anddevelopers on bylaw requirements, and the potential impact of their activitieson critical flood protection infrastructure and the environment.
Follow up with landowners and developers tomonitor compliance with bylaws – this may include going out on site to inspect.
Co-ordinate the Engineering team’s input to bylawand resource consent applications received by Otago Regional Council, ensuring potentialimpacts on infrastructure and environment have been adequately addressed.
Support the Engineering team in its rivermanagement, asset planning and infrastructure activities to ensure ongoing compliancewith bylaws, legislation, and resource consent conditions.
Champion and support continuous improvement.
Work closely with other teams within Council,consultants and contractors, external stakeholders, iwi, and communities.
Your Skills:
A tertiaryqualification in any of the following – environmental, earth or geo sciences; environmentalengineering; environmental or resource management; legal or policy studies.
Some related experience in community engagement,environmental regulation, environmental monitoring, or local governmentregulation.
A tactful,diplomatic and resilient style, strong customer focus, and high professionalstandards and initiative.
Click Apply or to find out more,contact Lisa Hulley on 027 688 8831.
Applications Close on 30 July2023.