Electrician Jobs

Energy Jobline hosts 1000's of electrician job opportunities at any one time, offering you the most extensive list of electrical vacancies that exists on the web.

The electric power industry is the backbone of modern life as it provides the world with the most important form of energy– electricity.   In addition to contributing to a country's economic growth and productivity, the industry provides a high number of electrician jobs.

There are multiple fuels and technologies to generate electricity. Fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable energy are different sources of energy used in the electricity production so that we have a constant supply.  

The industry has had to face many challenges and is likely to change in the following years due to new technologies, ever-expanding environmental regulations, wildly fluctuating fuel prices and emerging risks. Therefore, infrastructure updating and replacement programs require skilled and well-trained workers to meet the increasing electricity demand.

What are the different fields in the electricity sector?

  • Energy
  • Technical Building Management
  • Lighting
  • Thermal comfort
  • Automation
  • Security